I’ve Got a Celeb Friend Ha!

Well, sort of. Not a celeb per se, but featured nonetheless.

It’s Applecow, my friend of 10 years. She’s featured in the November issue of Simply Her, for her passion in volunteering and caring for the environment.

Ever since I’ve heard news that she’ll be featured in my favourite magazine, I’ve been keeping an eye on the newstands (not that I’ve been out often). Finally, the issue is out!

I was at the petrol kiosk refilling petrol when I chanced upon the magazine. Given my undiscerning eye and the tendency to not spot what I’m looking for all the time, I’ve already paid for the petrol when my determination to scan the magazine racks one more time paid off. There is it! Ha, I found it!

Eager to locate Applecow in the magazine, I took the risk of driving and ripping off the plastic wrapping at the same time. For once, I was praying for more traffic light stops so that I can read the article on her. My heart swells with pride that she has made a statement through her volunteer work.

Cannot wait to tell the Little One that his Godma is featured in the magazine. Though he’ll more likely rip the page off the magazine. Better show him Applecow’s picture at a distance. Wouldn’t want him to crumble up her picture…

Way to go Applecow! WOO HOO! Promise to bring the Little One along for field trips once he can walk ok?

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