Megan’s Third Birthday

Megan’s 3rd birthday was spent with family and her classmates in school. Now she’s technically correct when she goes around telling people while putting up 3 fingers, “I’m twee years old”.

Ice cream after birthday dinner with paternal grandparents.


Celebrating with friends in school. The little gal was so excited she couln’t fall asleep during nap time, and kept asking the teacher when her BaBa and MaMa (and her cake) are coming.

The happy gal with her cake.

The kids obliging happily when asked to pose with their presents. Yes, the non-birthday boy/gal will also get a little present.

Megan was chanting “Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty!”,  while ripping away the wrapping paper. Maybe we have gotten her what she liked.

The Hello Kitty dollhouse proved to be a hit! Especially with Matthew, who claimed possession of the only ‘boy’ out of the 3 figurines: Hello Kitty, Rabbit and Bear. He insisted Bear was his to own.

The dollhouse for display purpose. It has never looked like this again (neat, organised) after this photo.

Lego from Ah Yi and Uncle Chong Boon, which was a hit too.

Megan also received a ice cream stacking game, and  2 angpows. Although there were only 3 mini celebrations to mark her 3rd birthday, we hope she enjoyed them. Happy birthday darling, MaMa’s wishes are for you to be healthy and happy. Till next year!

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